Best Peppa Pig Coloring Pages for Kids

Peppa Pig is a pre-school cartoon TV series produced by Ashley Baker Davis. The story revolves around Peppa, a female pig and her life with her friends and family. The characters of this TV series live a normal life, drive in cars but are displayed in characters of animals. Every episode focuses on the daily activities of Peppa Pig such as swimming, visiting friends, cousins and grandparents, going to school or riding bikes. The TV series is extremely popular amongst kids and this is why you have Peppa Pig coloring pages available offline and online. The characters of Peppa Pig are so famous with kids that they love to color them.

Here are some of the best Peppa Pig coloring pages for kids given below:

  1. Peppa Pig

She is the protagonist of the series. She is a 6-year old female pig who lives with her mom, dad and small brother, George. She spends her time with her friend Suzy Sheep. Peppa loves playing in the mud puddle and making snorting noises.

  1. George

He is Peppa’s younger brother. He is of 2-years-old and likes playing with his elder sister. He loves toys, especially dinosaurs and takes him everywhere. In fact, the first word he ever said was Dine Saw! Goerge loves to play, eat and laugh. He is a pink-skinned pig with a tiny curly tail and is always wearing a blue shirt in the series.

  1. Mummy Pig

Now there are coloring pages of Mummy Pig. Your child will surely recognize her. Her name is Amanda Pig and just like Peppa, she loves to jump in the puddles. She is a smart and intelligent pig and reads maps better than Daddy Pig.

  1. Daddy Pig

Daddy Pig is a happy fellow and laughs most of the time, majorly when playing with kids. However, you may see him a little grumpy at times, when his specs are lost. He is an architect and loves chocolate cakes and cookies. He is light turquoise in color with a brown moustache. He wears a dark turquoise dress in the series.

  1. Granny and Grandpa Pig

You have adorable coloring pages of Peppy’s Granny and Grandpa. This will help you know your kids the significance of grandparents in a child’s life. Granny Boco Pig is loving and caring and loves all her grandkids well. She is pale pink in color and wears a pink dress and black footwear. Grandpa loves gardening and allows Peppa and George to help him in his gardening work. He is pale pink in color and wears an indigo shirt and black footwear.

Now that you are well aware of Peppa Pig’s coloring characters, you will surely love to color them too. If you have watched the series, then you will know exactly which colors you need. Your kids will love the Peppa Pig coloring pages online. It will help in their social and emotional development like growing self-esteem, sympathizing with others and expressing emotions. So, select your Peppa Pig coloring page now and start coloring.