Everything You Need To Know About Wet Grinder before Buying One

Wet grinders have been a part of the Indian household kitchen for a long time. No matter what cuisine it is, a wet grinder eases the efforts a lot.

Remember when grinding spices or making a paste out of chilies was a daunting task since we had to use a sil-batta ( the stone slab with a grinding stone) at our home, thanks to technological innovations, eating your favorite food became one less trouble finally, just put the ingredients, turn on, flip the switch and job done!

That’s why such an important kitchen tool deserves a buying guide so that you can make the most out of your cooking time for an extra sweet dish. And don’t forget to search for best wet grinder in India on your favourite shopping sites.

In this article, we’ll discuss buying a wet grinder that fits your needs:

Why do we need a wet grinder?

Indian cuisine consists of a lot of things for which you will need a wet grinder, and they are specifically designed for fine quality wet grinding, unlike normal mixer grinders:

  • They are specifically made for wet grinding purposes.
  • They grind food products smooth and fine.
  • They are designed for long-term operation.
  • Grinding stones in wet grinders preserve the texture and Natural flavors of food material.

Choosing a wet-grinder that suits your needs:

These are some of the most popular types of wet grinders available in the market,

  1. Table-top wet grinders
  2. Tilting wet grinders
  3. Commercial purpose wet-grinders

Table-top wet grinders:

These wet-grinders are quite common in Indian households and especially in south Indian homes.

  1. They have an easy to carry and lightweight form factor.
  2. Inside, there are two stone rollers or three conical stones which rotate and revolve while grinding the material, giving it a fine texture.
  3. They can grind both wet as well as dry food material
  4. Can easily fit on a table or at a corner in a kitchen.

Mostly preferred for general purpose use. Like preparing chutneys or grinding spices. They come in 2, 2.5, and 3-liter capacity. Make sure to check reviews and ratings online to get the best quality product for your money.

Tilting Wet grinders:

Compared to other wet-grinders in the list, tilted wet grinders have their catch:

  1. Since it grinds while tilting, it grinds at different angles, which grinds the material evenly and finely.
  2. Makes less noise but takes a little effort to clean up.
  3. It can also knead the dough and batter so definitely worth buying.
  4. Easy to handle and can do both dry and wet grinding pretty well.
  5. Can grind solid grains smooth for dishes like Dosa, Idli, and Vada.

These are good for grinding some solid stuff as its tilting action makes it easy.

Regular wet grinders:

These grinders are medium-sized or big and are commonly used for commercial purposes. Due to the requirement of large quantities, large families buy this type of grinders.

The regular wet grinder is designed with a stone suspended from a rod in the container drum. The stone is held at an angle with the help of an iron belt. When the drum rotates, the material gets grounded evenly, smooth and fine.

Bigger drum capacity makes grinding large quantities of ingredients easier. Best for large-scale purposes.

Check for these things while buying a wet grinder:

  1. Capacity: Select the Drum capacity according to your needs. The usual capacity for a table top wet grinder is 2 to 3 liters while regular wet-grinders come in large capacities usually.
  2. Motor: Grinding larger amounts of food material requires powerful motors.
  3. Grinding stones: They are either two rollers-shaped stones or three conical-shaped stones. The one with three conical-shaped is a better choice but roller-shaped is fine too and does the job pretty good.
  4. Design: Choose the best design you want, there are many color options available out there.
  5. Energy consumption: Always check any electrical appliances for star ratings or general energy consumption.


Every kitchen needs a wet grinder but before bringing it to the kitchen compare it with other competitors in the market and pick the best one.