Jordan, the 1st in Middle East and GCC to receive ICT Standard Award by IFGICT
| |For the first time in Middle East and GCC l, the kingdom of Jordan become the first ever to receive the most prestigious recognition from the international Federation of global information and communication technology in the United States IFGICT.
The old has a very strong impact on the infrastructure of the organizations and large size companies who are following the standard of ICT. The RSS Royal Science Society in Amman the capital of the kingdom of Jordan was awarded this prestigious award as part of sustainable development strategy of the RSS towards the nation of Jordan.
The RSS awarded this certificate of quality based on ICT audit which took around 11 months of hardworking from both teams the partner of IFGICT in Jordan who success delivered the audit along with the team from the RSS.
The process of the certification took different phases starting from internal documentation control, internal audit of the infrastructure of the data center and the entire information and technology departments following by comprehensive training by the team of IFGICT local partner and with a great support and collaboration from the top management from the RSS.
The ceremony of receiving the certificate and the award will be held at the RSS site. And due to the pandemic, there will be a limited number of attendees from the royal cabinet and the top management of RSS along with the official representative from IFGICT.
ICT Standard by IFGICT used by organizations that allow them to achieve coherent quality management towards ICT. This, in turn, helps form satisfied employees and consumers, as well as continual improvement.
ICT Standard by IFGICT helps lots of companies / organizations in becoming more aware that their clients require a guarantee that the products and services they are looking to acquire will meet their quality requirements.
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